Our Services

We Are Pioneers In The World Of Renewable Energy

On-Grid Systems

Our On-Grid solar systems are designed to directly convert solar energy into electricity and feed it back into the grid. This system is suitable for those who are already connected to the power grid and want to reduce their reliance on conventional energy sources.

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Off-Grid Systems

Our Off-Grid solar systems are designed to store solar energy in batteries, which can be used to power your home or business even when there is no access to the power grid. This system is ideal for those who want to live off the grid and become self-sufficient in terms of their energy needs.

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Hybrid Systems

Our Hybrid solar systems are a combination of On-Grid and Off-Grid systems that provide the best of both worlds. These systems are designed to maximize energy production and storage while reducing your dependence on the power grid.

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Solar Aata Chakki

Our Solar Aata Chakki is a solar-powered flour mill that uses solar energy to grind wheat and other grains into flour. This system is suitable for those living in remote areas where access to electricity is limited or unreliable.

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Solar Pump

Our Solar Pump is a solar-powered water pump that uses solar energy to pump water for irrigation and other agricultural purposes. This system is ideal for farmers who want to reduce their dependence on diesel-powered pumps and save on energy costs.

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Solar Water Heater

Our Solar Water Heater is a solar-powered system that heats water using the sun's energy. This system is suitable for those who want to reduce their electricity bills and have access to hot water throughout the year.

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Solar Street Light

Our Solar Street Light is a solar-powered lighting system that provides energy-efficient lighting for streets, parks, and other public spaces. This system is ideal for municipalities and other organizations that want to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.

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Why Choose Us!

Complete Commercial & Residential Solar Systems

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